
Reels! How important are they? Here’s the Real Deal About Acting Reels…

I get this question often from actors.  Do I really need a reel?  The quick answer is YES!  If you...

Agents… How to find the right one for YOU!

So you’re an actor.Yay!  But now what? The most common question I get from actors is “How do I get...

Navigating Video Auditions for Actors. The New Normal.

  This last year has been a whirlwind for most of us, and as actors, we have had to succumb...

How to Promote Yourself as A Working Actor

There is an age-old saying, nothing good ever comes easy.  Thus, achieving your dream of becoming a working actor is...

What Roles Should I Audition For As An Actor?

A great question that I often get asked is “For what roles should I audition?” This question has two considerations...

What Makes a Headshot Great and How do I Get One? Guest Interview with Photographer Brent Weber

As a coach, one of the questions I often get asked is if I know a good headshot photographer? In...
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