Tips for Staying at the Top of Your Acting Game During a Pandemic

As I write this in February 2021, the Covid Pandemic, while still being an enormous challenge for schools of all kinds, is slowly showing promise of being something that we will be on the other side of, sooner than later.

Almost a year ago, when it was clear that this was a very serious situation, the studio moved all of its classes to an online format.  I truly had no idea so many actors would want to continue to study using a platform that is less than optimal.

Beginning in June of last year, we slowly returned to the studio putting all of the recommended safety precautions in place.  For me, the most important consideration was that actors who were not feeling well, or knew they had been exposed to the virus please not come to class.   I am incredibly grateful for how cooperative and considerate everyone has been and very happy to report that, for the most part, we have remained healthy.

This being said, there were some actors who, for various reasons, could not be online but also did not want to risk coming to the studio.  I was often emailed seeking advice on what these actors could do to stay at the top of their game without class.  Below are a list of recommendations.

  • Read!:  There are a handful of books I often recommend to actors full of valuable insight, knowledge and wisdom.  There is a short list on the resources’ page of the studio website https://tbellactorsstudio.com/resources/


  • Take Virtual Classes: Because the studio teaches scene study and character analysis, I suggest that actors continue practicing breaking down scenes.


  • Monologue Prep: The internet has made it incredibly easy to find material online.  For monologues, I always recommend www.whysanity.net and for film and tv, there are many sites with free content.  A few are:
    1. http://www.moviescriptsandscreenplays.com/
    2. https://thescriptlab.com/
    3. http://www.screenplaydb.com/film/all
    4. http://www.dailyscript.com/movie.html
    5. http://sfy.ru/
    6. http://www.simplyscripts.com/movie.html
    7. http://www.script-o-rama.com/snazzy/table.html
    8. http://gointothestory.blcklst.com/free-script-downloads/
    9. http://www.imsdb.com/
  • YouTube: The Hollywood publications Variety and The Hollywood Reporter both have channels and have a multitude of fabulous interviews and roundtables where writers, directors, producers and actors discuss what really goes on behind the magic.


  • Stay Inspired: I am also a fan of a few YouTube channels that feature clips titled “The Best Acting of All Time.”  I actually am inspired to find new scenes every time I visit one of them.  The two that I constantly go back to are:


    1. sitiosanguinem Whomever owns and monitors this channel is clearly a film buff and knows their stuff.   They deserve millions of  subscribers.
    2. Watchmojo –A much broader range of topics and constant content uploads.


  • Practice: Lastly, practice with your friends who are also actors.   If circumstances prevent you from being in a class, online or in person, a good workout is still a must and can be done via Zoom or Skype with other actors.   Just like any competitive athlete, even during the off season, training is essential if you want to remain competitive!


Beginning in March 2021, the studio will continue to have one online class on Tuesday nights.   Because this will be the only online class available, it accommodates all levels.   We have quite a few actors from out of state too and I anticipate continuing this class throughout the spring and summer.


The remaining classes are at the studio.  The days and times are:

Monday 6:30 – 9:30 – Intermediate

Tuesday Day 10:00 – 1:00 – Intermediate/Advanced

Wednesday 6:30 – 9:30 -Advanced

Thursday 6:30 – 9:30 – Beginner

Saturday Day 10:00 – 1:00 – Beginner

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