

Dallas Film Commission

Texas Film Commission

Dallas SAG Office


Yahoo Groups: Dallas Film Casting

Yahoo Groups: Austin Film Casting

International Movie Database

Actors Access


Casting Networks: Casting Networks list a variety of auditions in Dallas and a number of other cities across Texas, including Austin and Houston. The most common type of casting calls which come up on the site include commercials and feature films. You can view auditions and create a profile for free. Like many other major casting sites, Casting Networks offer a premium subscription for $25.99 USD per month (February 2023).



The Power Of The Actor By Ivana Chubbuck

Audition: Everything An Actor Needs To Know To Get The Part By Michael Shurtleff

An Actor Prepares By Konstantin Stanislavski 

No Acting Please By Eric Morris

Respect For Acting By Uta Hagen

The Artists Way By Julia Cameron

Daring Greatly by Brene Brown

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