Update on our Online Acting Classes!

**As of August 2021 all Studio Classes are In Studio**


First, I hope everyone is staying sane, safe and healthy! Second, I want to thank all of the amazing actors who have remained in class and adjusted to the online format during this challenging time.

The studio is finishing its fifth week of online classes. I don’t consider myself a very tech savvy person and I must admit that the idea of holding virtual classes was initially very daunting.

I had a very clear vision of what I wanted the online classes to be like but was limited by what Zoom Video Conferencing could do as well as my inability to make it do what I wanted it to do. That being said, we are making it work, and in many ways, it is better than I could have ever imagined.

I’ve been a coach for nineteen years and the beauty of having our studio is that each scene is like a working set. We have props and costumes and actors are required to rehearse and block their scenes and there is a level of realism and authenticity that is found in the studio classes that all of us have become accustomed.

The truth is, the online classes do not allow for much blocking or even the use of props and I am confident that the obstacle of looking at a computer screen instead of a live person is a hindrance to intimacy.

The good news is, each class and each actor gets better at overcoming these challenges each and every week. I see all of them getting used to this format and often find myself feeling like I am watching a great tv show or movie. They are making it real and in doing so, I know all of them will be doing some fantastic video auditions.

The other added benefit of studying this way is that because we do not need to dress or break down the sets, we have some extra time and actors are encouraged to work on additional scenes or monologues. It’s wonderful to see them get excited about the challenge of doing additional work. The added work is making all of them that much better. Check out some clips below from our online classes. The first one is me, TBell, giving notes on a first work of a scene from the movie “Blue Jasmine” and the second is a rework of a monologue from “When Harry Met Sally” with me giving adjustments throughout the rework. Enjoy!

Classes will remain online through the month of May 2020 and we will begin in studio classes beginning June 1st with our Monday Night and Tuesday Day classes with more hopefully in July. In addition there is an “Everything You Need to Know to be a Working Actor” workshop on May 24th 11:00 – 3:00. As always, if you need more information about the studio or would like to register for one of these classes, please fill out our form. We hope to see you soon!


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