Suzanne Racz – New Acting Coach Spotlight

Acting Coach Spotlight: Suzanne Racz

How long have you been a student at the studio?

– I started taking classes in Spring of 2015

How did you learn about TBell Actor’s studio?

– I was doing a local acting workshop and met an actor who was just phenomenal. She initially recommended the studio to me. So, the name was fresh in my mind when I got an opportunity to participate in casting for a local indie film I had been working on. It was uncanny. Every time I saw an actor come in and deliver an undeniable performance, I would check the resume and find that they studied with T-Bell. That did it for me. I knew I had to be there.

How did you first get into Acting?

– I had done some local theater in the mid-1990s at a time when I was really needing something outside of home to foster my creativity. I really loved it at the time but put acting on the back burner as my family grew and I became busier.

Around 2013 or 2014, I experienced a real shift in my life and began to crave that outlet again. I began doing some classes and was cast in a few roles. I also began to
volunteer on the sets of local films to get a better understanding behind the camera. Once I found T-Bell, the acting really began to gel for me. I’ve been passionate about
it ever since.

In addition to acting, you are also a filmmaker. Please tell us
about the films you have made.

– Willow, my first short film was shot on a Super 16 mm film camera. It was the culmination of my fascination with the process of filmmaking. I wrote, directed, and produced it after having been inspired watching the short film competition at Louisiana Film Prize.

I even did the set design. Willow is a coming-of-age tale about a girl who feels more comfortable in a bunny suit than in her own skin. An ambitious project for sure.

The next, Baked Potato Night is a comedy about fraternal twin sisters on the eve of their 80th birthday and how they manage a fracture in their lifelong bond when a dapper
octogenarian begins to romantically pursue both women. This one was shot on digital and is more polished. I also wrote, directed, and produced this short film.

I learned so much jumping into these projects.

What are you most looking forward to as a coach?

One of the most exciting things in class over the years for me is what I learn from watching my classmates grow. We have all had these moments in acting where the verbal notes suddenly become actualized in the scene. It is beyond exciting to suddenly see someone have that breakthrough and to have experienced that myself. I am looking forward to being able to foster an actor, to witness that breakthrough and to share in the joy it produces.

Are you from the Dallas / Ft. Worth area?

I grew up in a small town outside of Houston. I’ve been in Dallas since 1992.

What’s the best acting advice you ever received?

Let it go. It seems counterintuitive; you work on the scene, make the choices, trust in your choices, and in the end let it all go. It allows you to act without being in your head. When I finally understood that I had a real breakthrough.

What’s the best acting advice you would give to a new

Be patient with yourself. The process works and it takes time. You will never stop learning. Getting notes will only help you build.

With streaming services and virtual auditions where do you
see acting in film and television going in the future?

What was your favorite role you ever played?

That is a tough one. I tend to like the roles with some grit or angst. I often get cast as a mom so, I appreciate those roles that have some guts.

Who would you love to play as an actor?

I’ve always said my dream role would be Blanche in Streetcar. However, give me a maverick, a villain, a woman on the edge, I’ll take it!

What do you like to do in your free time?

Travel, concerts, write, read, take photographs, ceramics. I met the love of my life in 2021. We always find a way to enjoy life. I have four adult children who are scattered about the country. Spending time with them is gold.

Do you have a “day job”?

(sigh…) I do. I am a Physician Assistant. I work in a Neurology Clinic treating patients with Epilepsy. It is difficult, challenging, and rewarding (for now).

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