How to Remain Calm, Creative and Connected During a Pandemic

First, I hope this finds you and your families well. As horrific as what all of us are currently going through, and it is truly awful, we will get through it. Together.

Throughout the years, one of the most useful skills I’ve acquired (thankfully) and witnessed in others, is the ability to adapt. I am amazed at how creative so many of you are becoming to adjust to this new paradigm.

I have no doubt that we will get to the other side of this and there will be a silver lining. I have no idea what it will be, but I believe this will all my heart. I look forward to the day when we all share our stories about people who have helped us, or people we showed up for.

Perhaps it will be the deepening and true understanding of the notion that we all are One and everything we do matters, and affects all the people with whom we share our beautiful planet. As much as we might want to disconnect from what is happening, we cannot. We are all in this together.

Perhaps it will be a deeper appreciation of a firm handshake, a gentle hug, our local coffee shop, a fully-stocked grocery store, the smell of fresh popcorn at our favorite movie theater. Toilet paper. I don’t know.

What I do know is how incredibly vital our connections are to one another. With that in mind, the studio is adapting to this new reality, trying to keep our actors connected, creative and hopefully, in doing so, calm.

For the next few weeks, and until it is safe to once again touch one another and breathe the same air, the studio will be having Virtual Classes via Zoom Video Conferencing. This is new for us and while not as wonderful as being together at the studio, I hope it can fill a gap that has been created.

We will have all of the current Scene Study Classes that we currently have and we will be implementing two new classes. One will be “Everything You Need to Know About Auditions – Video and Live” taught by April Hartman on Monday nights 6:30 – 9:30 and the other will be “Improv for Actors” taught by TBell Alumnus, Chris Henson. This class will be held Saturdays from 1:00 – 4:00.

Please go to the Online Class link under the Get Started tab at to learn more or sign up.

In closing, I saw this video years ago and was very moved by it Something about this moment in time reminds me of these baboons. I’m not sure of the analogy, hopefully, in time, I will. I don’t think the tuberculosis is the Corona virus. It seems to not care who it takes. I think it has more to do with big corporations, greed, and social inequality. I’d love your thoughts! Enjoy!

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