For My Actors, A Thank You!

A gigantic Texas sized, heart-felt thank you to so many!

My greatest fear mid-March was that there would not be an actor left interested in studying, or wanting to show up for one of the most intimate, personal art forms, in one of the most generic  not personal ways… ONLINE!  But… you did!

I can honestly say… the majority of the actors at the studio adapted to our new format, Zoom… seamlessly.  All of them made it look like they had been doing it forever.  Granted, it was a bit rough at first….

  • Where do I look?

  • You’re muted!

  • You’re frozen.

  • Can I record myself?

We all went through it knowing we would get over it, past it, through it, and ultimately… we will be better for it.

The studio classes will slowly resume in June.  Initially, it will be the Monday night and Tuesday day class.  The other classes will remain online.  Hopefully, by July we can reopen the Saturday day class and the Tuesday night class.  My hope is that, with an abundance of caution, using masks, spays, glove, wipes, and air purifiers, will keep all of us healthy, alive and productive.

With so much of what is happening on the planet being such a disappointment, I find myself being even more grateful for the constants in my life – my family, my assistant coaches, April Hartman and Logan Ferguson and my incredible actors!

I admire and appreciate them so very much and I want them to know that…

  • I love them.

  • I love their love of the craft

  • I love their love of the process

  • I love the respect they have for one another, their commitment to hard work, their love the of the possibilities, their ability to adapt, adjust, bend and make the best of a situation that was/is less than ideal. 

All of them work so very hard and I truly do not know what I would have done the past two and a half months had I not been able to see their wonderful faces, share their passions, and been given the privilege of hopefully expanding them in some way.

I love all of you for trusting me, Logan and April with your enormous talent. 

I am excited for the reopening of the studio over the summer and all that the future has to offer.

In Gratitude…


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