Dallas Acting Resources: Our Complete Guide

Deciding to take the huge leap into an acting career is hard enough.  Knowing what to do once you make that decision isn’t any easier.  The questions I get most from actors who are starting out on their journey are mainly about headshots, reels, and where to find work.  I had to find out many of these things on my own and made huge mistakes in the process.  I was often shocked that there wasn’t a place or a person I could go to for the answers.  It’s gotten better over the years but still not as easy as it should be.

I always want to help others along on their path.  That’s what it’s all about, handing down the information that I’ve gathered over the years.  I hope the information in this blog will help many, and keep them from making some of the mistakes (often expensive ones) that I did.  Below is a ton of helpful information.  From headshot photographers, those who put together reels, agencies, networking, where to find work and more.  Now, there are a ton more out there but these listed are ones I either have personally used, personally know or have been referred by trusted sources.  So, actors… enjoy!


Head Shot Photographers:


Brent Weber:




Bryan Chatlien:



Visions by Ken:




Pixel Dust Photography:



Kelly Williams:



Acting Reels:

David Pinkston:



Mitch McLeod:



Vance Sparks



Jordan O’neil



Joe Spector




Guess what?  You’re in sales and your product is YOU!  So, you must get out there and network!!!!


Where to find Acting work in Dallas:


Facebook Pages: (go like these pages!!)



Yearly subscription of $150 (they often run a sale of $99)

Castings will be emailed to you daily


Actors Access Eco Cast:

Yearly subscription of $68

Castings will be emailed to you daily


Texas Film Commission:

Go to job hotline, Casting calls


Dallas Film Commission:

Got to job Hotline, Casting calls


Casting Sites

Actors Access: 

Every casting director uses this site.  If you don’t have a profile yet, GET ONE!  It’s free to set up.  AND… did you know if you pay the $68 for eco-cast, you can submit yourself for projects????  Why aren’t you doing this already?

Casting Networks:

A ton of CD’s use this site as well.  Again, free to set up a profile.  They charge a monthly fee for unlimited photos and videos but worth it! https://www.castingnetworks.com/


Cast it Talent:

I haven’t seen this used as much lately.  However, it pops up from a CD every now and then.  But still free to set up an account. https://www.castittalent.com/Membership.aspx


Now Casting:

Hardly ever see this one anymore but doesn’t hurt to sign up for that free account.



I highly suggest that even if you have one credit you get this set up.  This is where EVERYONE goes to spy on YOU!  Meaning, to check out your work.  Be very careful here…. once you put something up on IMDB, it’s virtually impossible to get it removed.  They take it very seriously.  Also, they will not post your profile picture if you do not have a pro account.  It’s a small monthly fee.  Do it!

Books on Acting or by Actors

I LOVE to read.  And if you’re an actor, you should be reading books on acting!  Here are some of my favs!



Books for Actors (mindset)

Put these books on your list!  I will PREACH this until I die… MINDSET is everything and especially in this business.  Get your mind right y’all!  Here are my absolute favorites!



Top Agencies in Dallas

(There are many more in Dallas that are reputable.)


Kim Dawson Talent Agency



Linda McAlister Talent



Horne Agency



Campbell Talent Agency



Mary Collins Talent Agency



Callidus Talent Agency



The Clutts Agencey



If you have any other useful resources for our fellow Dallas based actors or acting students in general, we would love to hear from you in the comments.



Written by Acting Coach: April Hartman

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