How Long Will It Take for an Actor to Get into an Advanced Class?

The Birth of TBell Actors Studio

I taught my first acting class in Dallas in 2001.  It started with six actors in the living room of my humble apartment.  Throughout the years, TBell Actors Studio has had a number of locations and we have consistently added classes.  

We currently have six classes from Beginner to Advanced.  Because the Wednesday night class is the first class I taught, it has enjoyed and seen the most progress in its students.  I actually have a handful of actors who have been with me since the beginning.  I often say that I really have nothing new to teach them.  They stay at the studio for the same reason a person keeps their gym membership: to stay in shape!  

Because the Wednesday night class has been around the longest, it has naturally morphed into the Advanced Class.  The majority of the actors who begin at the studio strive to one day be in this class.  Working with great actors only helps to make one better.  Because of this, seats seldom become available in the Advanced Class and when they do, I always have a number of exceptional Dallas actors to fill them.  They are placed there not just on ability but also on merit.  They have consistently stayed in class, seldom missed a class, and are always doing all that it takes to be a working actor.

From Intermediate to Advanced

When actors visit our Dallas acting studio to observe a class, the one question I am often asked is “How do I move up to the Intermediate Class and then the Advanced Class?”   

The answer is always preparation.  The goal for the beginner class is for the actor to learn the technique the studio teaches and be able to define and use all of the terms to break down a scene with ease and effectiveness.  Once an actor becomes proficient in this, and their first works require fewer notes, and their reworks require fewer adjustments, they are ready to matriculate to the next level, assuming there are seats available.

Our Dallas studio requires actors to audition for class placement regardless of how much training and experience they have had elsewhere.  The reason is that while an actor may have years of other training and experience, if they haven’t studied scene study, they will need to know it before being put into an Intermediate Class.  I also do not place anyone in the Advanced Class until I have worked with them in one of the other classes regardless of how much other training and experience they already have.  Being in the Advanced Class is a privilege and like most privileges, it needs to be earned.

Visit Our Dallas Acting Studio Today

We at TBell Actors Studio value every actor who walks through our door: whether you are a beginner or a seasoned actor, you are valued here. With hard work and dedicated preparation, we will continue to sharpen your acting skills regardless of skill level. Keep at it, and you too will eventually move from beginner to expert. Sign up for a class today!

April Hartman
Witten by Acting Coach: April Hartman
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